Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Feelings 2

Come on!!!! i just found out that Johnnny even has more of a social life than me!!!! Shoot i just cant win!!!maybe i should go to college. with my new job i could do it.Nah. What am i going to do? come on guys help me out!!


I'm going through a crisis.I'm over 20 yrs old and don't have a girl friend.Ponyboy and Soda are doing better than me in their social lives!!! All Pony can talk about is Kristi and Cherry but i don't have anyone.Maybe sometime this week I'll go to a club after Ponyboy and soda are asleep.I have a little extra money. Oh i forgot to tell u i got a new job as a Gardener for some rich people. Its twice the pay and not as much hard work. I also have more time to solve my crisis.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Darry's Christmas

"Wake up sleepy head!"i shouted to Ponyboy's room.He grunted and threw a pillow over his head.He had been up all night at Christy's house, I didn't really want him to go but Soda said"let him go he'll only be a kid once.I walked over there and picked him up and said"Pony you gotta gain some weight you feel like you've been living on the streets with nothing to eat."He looked at me and said in that fun tone of his,"Merry Christmas to you too." He smiled and walked into the kitchen to get breakfast.After breakfast we opened gifts. I worked overtime to get Pony's gift.I touched one of the many sores on my back.Ouch!I don't know how my present will go over with pony because i heard he got a leather jacket from his rich girl friend, Christin or Christi or whatever her name is.I wrapped in news paper covering an old box. He opened and i was surprised to see his eyes light up."Wow how did you afford a DVD player!?"he said." I saved up all year."I answered.Soda didn't want any thing but i baked three chocolate cakes myself for him.I didn't want anything.But then Pony said"its not over!"He ran to his room and came out with a box wrapped in a red wrapping paper.He gave it to me and looked at me with those excited eyes.I opened it. Inside were a bunch of paper in a three ring binder."What is this?"I asked."its a book i wrote you should read it."he said.That night I laid down in my bed and started to read read,"When I stepped out into the bright sunlight from the darkness of the movie theater I had only two things on my mind.Paul Newman and a ride home...."