Do you ever feel like life cant get any better? Its wonderful...
Breanna came over yesterday. I had everything all set. We hopped on my motorcycle. i loved seeing her hair blow in the distance. i loved seeing her perfect smile looking at me. I parked on top of where i used to hang out at night to think. its about an half hour drive but worth it. its on top of a hill and at

the bottom of the hill there is a pond.. but not one of those murky ponds.. one
thats crystal clear. a year ago i put in a bunch of colored fish. Anna looked at me and said its the best place in the world, and that she could see why i would come here. we sat on top of the hill and looked at the stars and talked. since it is away from civilization i brought a lamp. when we were walking down the hill
anna pushed me in the pond... she stood over the edge and giggled... i pulled her in with me.. she splashed me in response...we ended up riding home pretty wet. but i
dont think she cared... she just smiled and laughed. i told her id drive her home... i was on her front stepped when we kissed. :-) i got home wet and happy.