After i had found out that Kitty had gotten a belly ring i was furiuos. idk what goes through her head of hers. i was waiting for the right time to talk to her about it. i found that time when she was sitting on the porch ine day.I sat next to her. this is how it went.
"Kitty i need to tslk to you about your belly button ring."
"Are you sure you dont mean yell at me?"
"that wont happen unless you dont listen to me."
".... fine"
"Kitty you gotta grow up alittle. Your getting married now."
"Yea so? I dont wanna grow up."
"Kitt you cant stay here with us forever."
"US?!?! So Soda and everyone else can stay but I cant?!? yea real fair Darry."
"Pony is too young to move out and Soda is gonna move out soon. Your gonna have to move out in a few years. Your getting married as i said. oh and congrats on that."
"Darry Im not like you, Mom, or Dad. I cant grow up to be like you guys, i never could. I was always the dissapointment."
"What are you talking bout? They both loved you. You were Dads little girl and he liked you the best. He couldnt be prouder."
"Yea I know. But Mom wasnt."
" Mom just pushed you harder cause she knew you could do so much more. I know that too. She still loved you know matter what you did. They both always told me to take good care of you."
" Well i guess your doing an okay job."
" good to know. And as for your punishment, your getting a job."
" Uhhh. No."
" Uhh . Yes."
".... fine."
"Good. Im gonna go talk to Soda."
" Have fun."
I got up and walked into the house. I made it over to Soda and Katies room. I knocked. Soda came and answered it and it turns out he was just relaxing cause Katie was out somewhere.
"Soda. We need to discuss something."
"Sure bro what is it?"
"You should start to think about moving out."
" What?!? Come on man i cant do that and i dont want to."
" Soda when i was your age all i wanted to do was move out. I was all ready to then mom and dad died and i couldnt. "
" Dude you still can."
" I cant I have to look after Pony and Kitty."
" I caould be their new gaurdian. I am old enough. I already look after them sometimes."
" Soda you cant theres more to it. And i dont wanna put all that responsibilaty on you."
"Okay man but if you change you mind im here."
" Thanks but im still serious about the moving out thing. the bills are stacking up. It wouldnt have to be right away but just think about it."
" OK man, and ill help out with the bills. I promise."
" Good now I got to go. I have to go on my date."
" Haha good luck."
And he closed the door. I got dressed for my date with Lizza. it went pretty well she was nice and hot and she seemed to like me and i liked her too. I drove her home and she said goodbye. Im not gonna go into the details but i had alotta fun and thanks Soda for setting me up with her.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Brother Bonding time

Today was my day off and instead of doing housework,laying around, or drinking with mark i decided to go to the carnival down the street. Pony being the tag along wanted to come with, but honestly i needed someone to come with me. Me and pony haven't talked much since we got into that argument awhile ago about him getting a job. In the long run i think it will help the kid. it was pony's first time on my motorcycle cause i never really thought it was a good idea to bring him. he might jump off or something stupid cause he thought he'd look cool and I'd end up taking him to the emergency room. i actually had fun with the kid, it reminded me of when our mom would take us to the carnival. soda would run off with Steve and I'd be stuck with pony. today was a lot more fun the that cause pony could actually go on all the rides. the lamest ride we went on was the Ferris wheel, but we figured out how to make it fun. pony had a bunch of rubber bands in his jean pocket. we got the top and shot rubber bands at people, too bad all the people we hit were security gaurds. we had to run off cause we didn't want to talk to them about the rubber bands. pony being the track star ran a lot faster then me. over all the day was pretty fun and the police never found us. i think im done with disturbing police officers for this week.
btw this my 55th Post ever!
!-Darrel S. Curtis-!
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