To soda: I was not posting cause no one commented. Not even you. So don't complain. Others have gone without posting longer than me so I suggest you get on their case first. Here is my post:
With everyone outa the house I feel bad. Pints the last one and I relized I guess I always treated kitty and soda like my favorites. He might have been alittle neglected...... (no not cause the brittney thing freaks me out..) Since I got promoted recently, assistant manager, its more work but a few more bucks in my pocket I guess. I paid off some bills and all. I relized I should get pony something..... But then.... I didn't know what to get him! What kinda brother doesn't know his own brother! So I chilaxly went over to ask him what he needed.....
This is how it went down:
" So uhhhh pony..... We have alittle extra money in the bank now and I was thinking of getting you something...."
" Awww coolio! What do I get?"
"uhhhh how bout a brittney pillow?"
"already got one! What do you think I sleep with?" ( I was weirder out by this)
" how bout light up sneakers?"
" nah I'm good I got track shoes."
" what about a cat?"
" I have a cat!"
"you mean the one I just ran ov- nvm"
"nothing." note to self get pony a new cat....
"really darry I don't need anything..."
" how bout I take you somewhere good to eat?"
" I like chocolate cake."
"how bout.... I give you so money so you can get a girlfriend?"
"Darry..... I already have brook.... She was over yesterday remember?"
" you sure? Cause she might mean something else when you say girl friend.... Like a girl that's a friend or sumthing.. Common misunderstand-"
"Fine ok."
To save myself from more embarrassment and awkwardness I left. Then I relized what to get pony.
So I walked in the next day to find pony what hugging his pillow and watching her music video on MTV.
"pony come outside"
"not right now. Sshhhhhh brittney is on."
"pony she can wait."
"Damn it pony I'm trying to give you a surprise here!"
I just dragged him outside with my muscle in the end. He gaped as he saw the car I got him. It wasnt a new car or anything. I got it cheap from a friend of mine and it ran pretty smoothly. Didn't look to bad and only some minor quirks. He tried sliding across the hood but it was kinda awkward and a fail for the most part. He hugged me and said "Dar I dont get it I'm not the favorite! But thx so much I'll take good care of it!"
"you better or I'll cut your neck. Now stop hugging me your wrinkling my shirt."
-Darry S. Curtis-
Darry Curtis's Blog
Friday, May 27, 2011
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
One Year Post
one year ago on December 26, 2009 the best thing in the world happened to you guys,...... I joined the blog :D ik im alittle late on posting but i wanna do a one year aniversery thing post. so heres something special for you all
in alphebetical order by family,
Cristy, you keep going with that singing thing if its working for you. And take care of yourself and your baby, if its half as good of a person you are, thats one hack of a kid.
Sophie, i dont know you very well and i know your kinda newer to the gang but welcome, good luck kid
Luke, do something constructive.
Austin, at least your pulling yourself together
Kyle, stop being a druggie
Andrew, your ok i guess
Celab, be smarter
Brooklyn, stay a good kid
Johnny, dont mess yourself up
Dawn, keep doing whatever your doing
Sammy, i dont really know you
Pony, your my little bro and your growing up to be a good guy and have been strong latley. Your not that big of a pain :P
Soda, I love you but you gotta grow up a bit.
Katie, your a good girl for my brother. stay that way
Kitty, i love you sis and i cant beleive your out of the house. ill miss ya and tell soda he needs to get out too.
Blair, Stop having kids!!!
Jamie, keep being a good kid
Two Bit, take care of my sister, or theyll be taken care of you in the hospital
Mark, My best bud. my Peanut butter to my jelly. stay awesome
Bri, Dont do anything stupid, keep doing what your doing
Carson, theres no helping you
Steve, you too.
Dimitri, keep being you
Elena, stay a good kid
Angela, i dont know you very much but you seem ok
Tim, sigh.
Jelly, your good so keep going with it
Dallas, Stop with the kids. Congrats on finally getting married
in alphebetical order by family,
Cristy, you keep going with that singing thing if its working for you. And take care of yourself and your baby, if its half as good of a person you are, thats one hack of a kid.
Sophie, i dont know you very well and i know your kinda newer to the gang but welcome, good luck kid
Luke, do something constructive.
Austin, at least your pulling yourself together
Kyle, stop being a druggie
Andrew, your ok i guess
Celab, be smarter
Brooklyn, stay a good kid
Johnny, dont mess yourself up
Dawn, keep doing whatever your doing
Sammy, i dont really know you
Pony, your my little bro and your growing up to be a good guy and have been strong latley. Your not that big of a pain :P
Soda, I love you but you gotta grow up a bit.
Katie, your a good girl for my brother. stay that way
Kitty, i love you sis and i cant beleive your out of the house. ill miss ya and tell soda he needs to get out too.
Blair, Stop having kids!!!
Jamie, keep being a good kid
Two Bit, take care of my sister, or theyll be taken care of you in the hospital
Mark, My best bud. my Peanut butter to my jelly. stay awesome
Bri, Dont do anything stupid, keep doing what your doing
Carson, theres no helping you
Steve, you too.
Dimitri, keep being you
Elena, stay a good kid
Angela, i dont know you very much but you seem ok
Tim, sigh.
Jelly, your good so keep going with it
Dallas, Stop with the kids. Congrats on finally getting married
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Marks wedding
"Who is mark Parker? Well he's alot of things. He's a partier. He's a dreamer. He's obbsessed with sunglasses. He's a drummer. He's a greaser. He's the guy I'd want fighting next to me anyday. He's my best friend, no he's like a brother to me. But now he's gonna be a husband. And a pretty good one too. When i heard he was getting married I was like whoa. I thought back to when we were kids. I thought back to when girls had cuties and we used to pretend that we were super heroes. Remember that mark? He couldn't even come up with a creative name he was.... The great Markman! See I'll always see Markman. But I got to let him go cause Now he's got stella. Mark you take care of her got it? Or they'll be taking care of you in the hospital. And Stella. I need my Mark and Darry time. You can't take away from that. You two will be happy together I can tell. I'm happy for you Markman. Congratulations from your best friend, Darrel S. Curtis." I went to my seat and set next to Mark. He smiled at me and said "why'd you tell them bout Markman?! Haha I'm just kidding it means alot Darry." after that they resumed the reception, with dancing and all that. Then Mark and Stella went off to their honeymoon. "Have fun mark." I said "will do Darry. Will do."
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Pretending to be something I'm not is not to be proud of
What did I do today? I hung out with stupid socs. It started cause Lissa wanted me to come with her and a group of friends to the movies. I said yes of course cause I wanted to hang out with Lissa. I invited mark to come with but he said no. He had something to do even tho ik that he wanted to cause of his drinking problem. So I was stuck with a bunch of Lissa's soc friends. I did kinda wanna go tho cause most of them were guys. Apperently Lissa didn't tell them alot about me. I understood I guess. Me being a greaser an all. I show up with Lissa to the movies. We met up with her soc friends. 2 other girls with their dates and a a few other socs. I reconized one from a rumble but I guess he didn't rember me there which was good. We talked a bit and we went to get our consesions. Well just my luck, Pony was the his shift. I didn't tell him soda or kitty bout this. He look shocked to see me with a bunch of socs. I gave him a shut up and act like you don't know me or I'll personally hang you by the tongue when I get home look. He seemed to understand. We got our food and went to see the movie. I sat next to Lissa on the end. She got close to me and leaned her head on me the whole time and I put my arm around her. We kissed alittle during the movie then I held her tighter when she cried. After it was done we went for a little walk with everyone. This is the worst part. A greaser from shepard's gang walks by all alone right toward us not even noticing. I knew him we played cards his name was Jack. He was an allright guy. Then the socs hold him back and start to tease him while the girls step back. They get a knife out and start to taunt him. He's in for it I thought. "Darry come on help us out her!" says Stan, one of the socs. "No thanks man." "come on! No body like us would wanna miss this action!" I relized that I didn't want to be like this. I looked into Jacks scared eyes and punched the socs holding him back. He ran and shouted thanks. "What was that for Dar? I thought we were friends!" said Josh, the guy I punched in the nose. Lissa rushed over to me and said,"He probably just missed. His eyesight isn't so well. He forgot his contacts. Right honey?" she looked into my eyes with that please just do this for me look. "yea yea. Umm sorry dude. I gotta get going. Come on Lissa."she grabbed my hand and I walked her home.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
A New Gig
Well me and Mark were looking at the news paper trying to find a second job. He then talked about being in a band. I wasn't so keen on the idea at first but then he said about making money and all that so I eventually agreed. I thought it might be kinda fun.
I never really said anything bout this but I do play guitar. Not that much anymore since I'm so busy but I have my ancient Les Paul hidden in my bedroom under my bed. So I brought it out and practiced a little bit before the audition. After an hour or two it started to come back to me.
We went to audition at this music store. I guess the owners were forming a band. There weren't too many people there. Mark seemed very calm the whole time. I wasn't nervous or anything I just couldn't be calm. I guess I was just anxious. I must have been zoned out cause Mark put his hand on my back and said, "Dude your next. Good luck. Don't mess this up." he smiled and laughed. I flashed him a smile and said, "Don't make them think your a total idiot." we laughed and I went inside the back room where they were auditioning. I thought it went pretty well. I sang "1985". I thought that I should that song cause it's not too hard and easy to play and sing at the same time. Plus I like that song.
Two days later, on Friday, I got a phone call that me and Mark made it and that we should meet everyone at the music store right away. We showed up to meet the owners. Apparently they already got us a gig and said we should practice on the weekends from 2pm-6pm Saturday and Sunday at the shop. Then practice on our own during the week. I was OK with that. Me and Mark decided not to tell you guys til just before our first gig which was in a month.
The next day we had our first practice. We met the other guys. Charlie Davies is my favorite. He's British and it's fun to get him to say stuff. I've always liked Britain's culture so advanced and fancy. He plays bass. He's really good at it. We got talking and he's cool. Likes football, motorcycles and stuff like that. Next is Cameron Hayze. He's abut of a character kinda like Mark. He plays drums pretty well so I'll deal. We got started wrote some songs remixed some good popular songs. We were actually starting to come together. The music store owners, Ron and Mike, offered me a new guitar that I could use but I turned them down. They said to tell them if I change my mind. I won't.
Me and Charlie wrote a song that we do together without Mark and Cam. It was cool spending time with Charlie. We are really good friends. I told him bout all you guys and he told me bout his family. He's had it pretty tough too. He's an orphan and his family that adopted him isn't doing so good. He's doing this to help pay the bills too. He's really close to his twin brother who was adapted by the same family. Our song starts as a slower song but kicks it off, and it's called "Hard Rolling" Its about everything that's happened to us. About our parents dying, bout growing up, bout socs and greasers. Charlie mostly wrote the words I just did the melody.
Our first gig was at Bucks. We didn't need to really invite you guys cause most were already going there. Lissa came which I was glad cause I was kinda nervous. Not about messing up or anything just in general. We got on stage and everyone seemed to like it. I didn't want to leave mark cause of his drinking problem but I had a lot more fun with Lissa after we left ;)
I never really said anything bout this but I do play guitar. Not that much anymore since I'm so busy but I have my ancient Les Paul hidden in my bedroom under my bed. So I brought it out and practiced a little bit before the audition. After an hour or two it started to come back to me.
We went to audition at this music store. I guess the owners were forming a band. There weren't too many people there. Mark seemed very calm the whole time. I wasn't nervous or anything I just couldn't be calm. I guess I was just anxious. I must have been zoned out cause Mark put his hand on my back and said, "Dude your next. Good luck. Don't mess this up." he smiled and laughed. I flashed him a smile and said, "Don't make them think your a total idiot." we laughed and I went inside the back room where they were auditioning. I thought it went pretty well. I sang "1985". I thought that I should that song cause it's not too hard and easy to play and sing at the same time. Plus I like that song.
Two days later, on Friday, I got a phone call that me and Mark made it and that we should meet everyone at the music store right away. We showed up to meet the owners. Apparently they already got us a gig and said we should practice on the weekends from 2pm-6pm Saturday and Sunday at the shop. Then practice on our own during the week. I was OK with that. Me and Mark decided not to tell you guys til just before our first gig which was in a month.
The next day we had our first practice. We met the other guys. Charlie Davies is my favorite. He's British and it's fun to get him to say stuff. I've always liked Britain's culture so advanced and fancy. He plays bass. He's really good at it. We got talking and he's cool. Likes football, motorcycles and stuff like that. Next is Cameron Hayze. He's abut of a character kinda like Mark. He plays drums pretty well so I'll deal. We got started wrote some songs remixed some good popular songs. We were actually starting to come together. The music store owners, Ron and Mike, offered me a new guitar that I could use but I turned them down. They said to tell them if I change my mind. I won't.
Me and Charlie wrote a song that we do together without Mark and Cam. It was cool spending time with Charlie. We are really good friends. I told him bout all you guys and he told me bout his family. He's had it pretty tough too. He's an orphan and his family that adopted him isn't doing so good. He's doing this to help pay the bills too. He's really close to his twin brother who was adapted by the same family. Our song starts as a slower song but kicks it off, and it's called "Hard Rolling" Its about everything that's happened to us. About our parents dying, bout growing up, bout socs and greasers. Charlie mostly wrote the words I just did the melody.
Our first gig was at Bucks. We didn't need to really invite you guys cause most were already going there. Lissa came which I was glad cause I was kinda nervous. Not about messing up or anything just in general. We got on stage and everyone seemed to like it. I didn't want to leave mark cause of his drinking problem but I had a lot more fun with Lissa after we left ;)
Sunday, August 15, 2010
update # idc (family feelings and my date)
After i had found out that Kitty had gotten a belly ring i was furiuos. idk what goes through her head of hers. i was waiting for the right time to talk to her about it. i found that time when she was sitting on the porch ine day.I sat next to her. this is how it went.
"Kitty i need to tslk to you about your belly button ring."
"Are you sure you dont mean yell at me?"
"that wont happen unless you dont listen to me."
".... fine"
"Kitty you gotta grow up alittle. Your getting married now."
"Yea so? I dont wanna grow up."
"Kitt you cant stay here with us forever."
"US?!?! So Soda and everyone else can stay but I cant?!? yea real fair Darry."
"Pony is too young to move out and Soda is gonna move out soon. Your gonna have to move out in a few years. Your getting married as i said. oh and congrats on that."
"Darry Im not like you, Mom, or Dad. I cant grow up to be like you guys, i never could. I was always the dissapointment."
"What are you talking bout? They both loved you. You were Dads little girl and he liked you the best. He couldnt be prouder."
"Yea I know. But Mom wasnt."
" Mom just pushed you harder cause she knew you could do so much more. I know that too. She still loved you know matter what you did. They both always told me to take good care of you."
" Well i guess your doing an okay job."
" good to know. And as for your punishment, your getting a job."
" Uhhh. No."
" Uhh . Yes."
".... fine."
"Good. Im gonna go talk to Soda."
" Have fun."
I got up and walked into the house. I made it over to Soda and Katies room. I knocked. Soda came and answered it and it turns out he was just relaxing cause Katie was out somewhere.
"Soda. We need to discuss something."
"Sure bro what is it?"
"You should start to think about moving out."
" What?!? Come on man i cant do that and i dont want to."
" Soda when i was your age all i wanted to do was move out. I was all ready to then mom and dad died and i couldnt. "
" Dude you still can."
" I cant I have to look after Pony and Kitty."
" I caould be their new gaurdian. I am old enough. I already look after them sometimes."
" Soda you cant theres more to it. And i dont wanna put all that responsibilaty on you."
"Okay man but if you change you mind im here."
" Thanks but im still serious about the moving out thing. the bills are stacking up. It wouldnt have to be right away but just think about it."
" OK man, and ill help out with the bills. I promise."
" Good now I got to go. I have to go on my date."
" Haha good luck."
And he closed the door. I got dressed for my date with Lizza. it went pretty well she was nice and hot and she seemed to like me and i liked her too. I drove her home and she said goodbye. Im not gonna go into the details but i had alotta fun and thanks Soda for setting me up with her.
"Kitty i need to tslk to you about your belly button ring."
"Are you sure you dont mean yell at me?"
"that wont happen unless you dont listen to me."
".... fine"
"Kitty you gotta grow up alittle. Your getting married now."
"Yea so? I dont wanna grow up."
"Kitt you cant stay here with us forever."
"US?!?! So Soda and everyone else can stay but I cant?!? yea real fair Darry."
"Pony is too young to move out and Soda is gonna move out soon. Your gonna have to move out in a few years. Your getting married as i said. oh and congrats on that."
"Darry Im not like you, Mom, or Dad. I cant grow up to be like you guys, i never could. I was always the dissapointment."
"What are you talking bout? They both loved you. You were Dads little girl and he liked you the best. He couldnt be prouder."
"Yea I know. But Mom wasnt."
" Mom just pushed you harder cause she knew you could do so much more. I know that too. She still loved you know matter what you did. They both always told me to take good care of you."
" Well i guess your doing an okay job."
" good to know. And as for your punishment, your getting a job."
" Uhhh. No."
" Uhh . Yes."
".... fine."
"Good. Im gonna go talk to Soda."
" Have fun."
I got up and walked into the house. I made it over to Soda and Katies room. I knocked. Soda came and answered it and it turns out he was just relaxing cause Katie was out somewhere.
"Soda. We need to discuss something."
"Sure bro what is it?"
"You should start to think about moving out."
" What?!? Come on man i cant do that and i dont want to."
" Soda when i was your age all i wanted to do was move out. I was all ready to then mom and dad died and i couldnt. "
" Dude you still can."
" I cant I have to look after Pony and Kitty."
" I caould be their new gaurdian. I am old enough. I already look after them sometimes."
" Soda you cant theres more to it. And i dont wanna put all that responsibilaty on you."
"Okay man but if you change you mind im here."
" Thanks but im still serious about the moving out thing. the bills are stacking up. It wouldnt have to be right away but just think about it."
" OK man, and ill help out with the bills. I promise."
" Good now I got to go. I have to go on my date."
" Haha good luck."
And he closed the door. I got dressed for my date with Lizza. it went pretty well she was nice and hot and she seemed to like me and i liked her too. I drove her home and she said goodbye. Im not gonna go into the details but i had alotta fun and thanks Soda for setting me up with her.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Brother Bonding time

Today was my day off and instead of doing housework,laying around, or drinking with mark i decided to go to the carnival down the street. Pony being the tag along wanted to come with, but honestly i needed someone to come with me. Me and pony haven't talked much since we got into that argument awhile ago about him getting a job. In the long run i think it will help the kid. it was pony's first time on my motorcycle cause i never really thought it was a good idea to bring him. he might jump off or something stupid cause he thought he'd look cool and I'd end up taking him to the emergency room. i actually had fun with the kid, it reminded me of when our mom would take us to the carnival. soda would run off with Steve and I'd be stuck with pony. today was a lot more fun the that cause pony could actually go on all the rides. the lamest ride we went on was the Ferris wheel, but we figured out how to make it fun. pony had a bunch of rubber bands in his jean pocket. we got the top and shot rubber bands at people, too bad all the people we hit were security gaurds. we had to run off cause we didn't want to talk to them about the rubber bands. pony being the track star ran a lot faster then me. over all the day was pretty fun and the police never found us. i think im done with disturbing police officers for this week.
btw this my 55th Post ever!
!-Darrel S. Curtis-!
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