one year ago on December 26, 2009 the best thing in the world happened to you guys,...... I joined the blog :D ik im alittle late on posting but i wanna do a one year aniversery thing post. so heres something special for you all
in alphebetical order by family,
Cristy, you keep going with that singing thing if its working for you. And take care of yourself and your baby, if its half as good of a person you are, thats one hack of a kid.
Sophie, i dont know you very well and i know your kinda newer to the gang but welcome, good luck kid
Luke, do something constructive.
Austin, at least your pulling yourself together
Kyle, stop being a druggie
Andrew, your ok i guess
Celab, be smarter
Brooklyn, stay a good kid
Johnny, dont mess yourself up
Dawn, keep doing whatever your doing
Sammy, i dont really know you
Pony, your my little bro and your growing up to be a good guy and have been strong latley. Your not that big of a pain :P
Soda, I love you but you gotta grow up a bit.
Katie, your a good girl for my brother. stay that way
Kitty, i love you sis and i cant beleive your out of the house. ill miss ya and tell soda he needs to get out too.
Blair, Stop having kids!!!
Jamie, keep being a good kid
Two Bit, take care of my sister, or theyll be taken care of you in the hospital
Mark, My best bud. my Peanut butter to my jelly. stay awesome
Bri, Dont do anything stupid, keep doing what your doing
Carson, theres no helping you
Steve, you too.
Dimitri, keep being you
Elena, stay a good kid
Angela, i dont know you very much but you seem ok
Tim, sigh.
Jelly, your good so keep going with it
Dallas, Stop with the kids. Congrats on finally getting married
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Marks wedding
"Who is mark Parker? Well he's alot of things. He's a partier. He's a dreamer. He's obbsessed with sunglasses. He's a drummer. He's a greaser. He's the guy I'd want fighting next to me anyday. He's my best friend, no he's like a brother to me. But now he's gonna be a husband. And a pretty good one too. When i heard he was getting married I was like whoa. I thought back to when we were kids. I thought back to when girls had cuties and we used to pretend that we were super heroes. Remember that mark? He couldn't even come up with a creative name he was.... The great Markman! See I'll always see Markman. But I got to let him go cause Now he's got stella. Mark you take care of her got it? Or they'll be taking care of you in the hospital. And Stella. I need my Mark and Darry time. You can't take away from that. You two will be happy together I can tell. I'm happy for you Markman. Congratulations from your best friend, Darrel S. Curtis." I went to my seat and set next to Mark. He smiled at me and said "why'd you tell them bout Markman?! Haha I'm just kidding it means alot Darry." after that they resumed the reception, with dancing and all that. Then Mark and Stella went off to their honeymoon. "Have fun mark." I said "will do Darry. Will do."
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Pretending to be something I'm not is not to be proud of
What did I do today? I hung out with stupid socs. It started cause Lissa wanted me to come with her and a group of friends to the movies. I said yes of course cause I wanted to hang out with Lissa. I invited mark to come with but he said no. He had something to do even tho ik that he wanted to cause of his drinking problem. So I was stuck with a bunch of Lissa's soc friends. I did kinda wanna go tho cause most of them were guys. Apperently Lissa didn't tell them alot about me. I understood I guess. Me being a greaser an all. I show up with Lissa to the movies. We met up with her soc friends. 2 other girls with their dates and a a few other socs. I reconized one from a rumble but I guess he didn't rember me there which was good. We talked a bit and we went to get our consesions. Well just my luck, Pony was the his shift. I didn't tell him soda or kitty bout this. He look shocked to see me with a bunch of socs. I gave him a shut up and act like you don't know me or I'll personally hang you by the tongue when I get home look. He seemed to understand. We got our food and went to see the movie. I sat next to Lissa on the end. She got close to me and leaned her head on me the whole time and I put my arm around her. We kissed alittle during the movie then I held her tighter when she cried. After it was done we went for a little walk with everyone. This is the worst part. A greaser from shepard's gang walks by all alone right toward us not even noticing. I knew him we played cards his name was Jack. He was an allright guy. Then the socs hold him back and start to tease him while the girls step back. They get a knife out and start to taunt him. He's in for it I thought. "Darry come on help us out her!" says Stan, one of the socs. "No thanks man." "come on! No body like us would wanna miss this action!" I relized that I didn't want to be like this. I looked into Jacks scared eyes and punched the socs holding him back. He ran and shouted thanks. "What was that for Dar? I thought we were friends!" said Josh, the guy I punched in the nose. Lissa rushed over to me and said,"He probably just missed. His eyesight isn't so well. He forgot his contacts. Right honey?" she looked into my eyes with that please just do this for me look. "yea yea. Umm sorry dude. I gotta get going. Come on Lissa."she grabbed my hand and I walked her home.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
A New Gig
Well me and Mark were looking at the news paper trying to find a second job. He then talked about being in a band. I wasn't so keen on the idea at first but then he said about making money and all that so I eventually agreed. I thought it might be kinda fun.
I never really said anything bout this but I do play guitar. Not that much anymore since I'm so busy but I have my ancient Les Paul hidden in my bedroom under my bed. So I brought it out and practiced a little bit before the audition. After an hour or two it started to come back to me.
We went to audition at this music store. I guess the owners were forming a band. There weren't too many people there. Mark seemed very calm the whole time. I wasn't nervous or anything I just couldn't be calm. I guess I was just anxious. I must have been zoned out cause Mark put his hand on my back and said, "Dude your next. Good luck. Don't mess this up." he smiled and laughed. I flashed him a smile and said, "Don't make them think your a total idiot." we laughed and I went inside the back room where they were auditioning. I thought it went pretty well. I sang "1985". I thought that I should that song cause it's not too hard and easy to play and sing at the same time. Plus I like that song.
Two days later, on Friday, I got a phone call that me and Mark made it and that we should meet everyone at the music store right away. We showed up to meet the owners. Apparently they already got us a gig and said we should practice on the weekends from 2pm-6pm Saturday and Sunday at the shop. Then practice on our own during the week. I was OK with that. Me and Mark decided not to tell you guys til just before our first gig which was in a month.
The next day we had our first practice. We met the other guys. Charlie Davies is my favorite. He's British and it's fun to get him to say stuff. I've always liked Britain's culture so advanced and fancy. He plays bass. He's really good at it. We got talking and he's cool. Likes football, motorcycles and stuff like that. Next is Cameron Hayze. He's abut of a character kinda like Mark. He plays drums pretty well so I'll deal. We got started wrote some songs remixed some good popular songs. We were actually starting to come together. The music store owners, Ron and Mike, offered me a new guitar that I could use but I turned them down. They said to tell them if I change my mind. I won't.
Me and Charlie wrote a song that we do together without Mark and Cam. It was cool spending time with Charlie. We are really good friends. I told him bout all you guys and he told me bout his family. He's had it pretty tough too. He's an orphan and his family that adopted him isn't doing so good. He's doing this to help pay the bills too. He's really close to his twin brother who was adapted by the same family. Our song starts as a slower song but kicks it off, and it's called "Hard Rolling" Its about everything that's happened to us. About our parents dying, bout growing up, bout socs and greasers. Charlie mostly wrote the words I just did the melody.
Our first gig was at Bucks. We didn't need to really invite you guys cause most were already going there. Lissa came which I was glad cause I was kinda nervous. Not about messing up or anything just in general. We got on stage and everyone seemed to like it. I didn't want to leave mark cause of his drinking problem but I had a lot more fun with Lissa after we left ;)
I never really said anything bout this but I do play guitar. Not that much anymore since I'm so busy but I have my ancient Les Paul hidden in my bedroom under my bed. So I brought it out and practiced a little bit before the audition. After an hour or two it started to come back to me.
We went to audition at this music store. I guess the owners were forming a band. There weren't too many people there. Mark seemed very calm the whole time. I wasn't nervous or anything I just couldn't be calm. I guess I was just anxious. I must have been zoned out cause Mark put his hand on my back and said, "Dude your next. Good luck. Don't mess this up." he smiled and laughed. I flashed him a smile and said, "Don't make them think your a total idiot." we laughed and I went inside the back room where they were auditioning. I thought it went pretty well. I sang "1985". I thought that I should that song cause it's not too hard and easy to play and sing at the same time. Plus I like that song.
Two days later, on Friday, I got a phone call that me and Mark made it and that we should meet everyone at the music store right away. We showed up to meet the owners. Apparently they already got us a gig and said we should practice on the weekends from 2pm-6pm Saturday and Sunday at the shop. Then practice on our own during the week. I was OK with that. Me and Mark decided not to tell you guys til just before our first gig which was in a month.
The next day we had our first practice. We met the other guys. Charlie Davies is my favorite. He's British and it's fun to get him to say stuff. I've always liked Britain's culture so advanced and fancy. He plays bass. He's really good at it. We got talking and he's cool. Likes football, motorcycles and stuff like that. Next is Cameron Hayze. He's abut of a character kinda like Mark. He plays drums pretty well so I'll deal. We got started wrote some songs remixed some good popular songs. We were actually starting to come together. The music store owners, Ron and Mike, offered me a new guitar that I could use but I turned them down. They said to tell them if I change my mind. I won't.
Me and Charlie wrote a song that we do together without Mark and Cam. It was cool spending time with Charlie. We are really good friends. I told him bout all you guys and he told me bout his family. He's had it pretty tough too. He's an orphan and his family that adopted him isn't doing so good. He's doing this to help pay the bills too. He's really close to his twin brother who was adapted by the same family. Our song starts as a slower song but kicks it off, and it's called "Hard Rolling" Its about everything that's happened to us. About our parents dying, bout growing up, bout socs and greasers. Charlie mostly wrote the words I just did the melody.
Our first gig was at Bucks. We didn't need to really invite you guys cause most were already going there. Lissa came which I was glad cause I was kinda nervous. Not about messing up or anything just in general. We got on stage and everyone seemed to like it. I didn't want to leave mark cause of his drinking problem but I had a lot more fun with Lissa after we left ;)
Sunday, August 15, 2010
update # idc (family feelings and my date)
After i had found out that Kitty had gotten a belly ring i was furiuos. idk what goes through her head of hers. i was waiting for the right time to talk to her about it. i found that time when she was sitting on the porch ine day.I sat next to her. this is how it went.
"Kitty i need to tslk to you about your belly button ring."
"Are you sure you dont mean yell at me?"
"that wont happen unless you dont listen to me."
".... fine"
"Kitty you gotta grow up alittle. Your getting married now."
"Yea so? I dont wanna grow up."
"Kitt you cant stay here with us forever."
"US?!?! So Soda and everyone else can stay but I cant?!? yea real fair Darry."
"Pony is too young to move out and Soda is gonna move out soon. Your gonna have to move out in a few years. Your getting married as i said. oh and congrats on that."
"Darry Im not like you, Mom, or Dad. I cant grow up to be like you guys, i never could. I was always the dissapointment."
"What are you talking bout? They both loved you. You were Dads little girl and he liked you the best. He couldnt be prouder."
"Yea I know. But Mom wasnt."
" Mom just pushed you harder cause she knew you could do so much more. I know that too. She still loved you know matter what you did. They both always told me to take good care of you."
" Well i guess your doing an okay job."
" good to know. And as for your punishment, your getting a job."
" Uhhh. No."
" Uhh . Yes."
".... fine."
"Good. Im gonna go talk to Soda."
" Have fun."
I got up and walked into the house. I made it over to Soda and Katies room. I knocked. Soda came and answered it and it turns out he was just relaxing cause Katie was out somewhere.
"Soda. We need to discuss something."
"Sure bro what is it?"
"You should start to think about moving out."
" What?!? Come on man i cant do that and i dont want to."
" Soda when i was your age all i wanted to do was move out. I was all ready to then mom and dad died and i couldnt. "
" Dude you still can."
" I cant I have to look after Pony and Kitty."
" I caould be their new gaurdian. I am old enough. I already look after them sometimes."
" Soda you cant theres more to it. And i dont wanna put all that responsibilaty on you."
"Okay man but if you change you mind im here."
" Thanks but im still serious about the moving out thing. the bills are stacking up. It wouldnt have to be right away but just think about it."
" OK man, and ill help out with the bills. I promise."
" Good now I got to go. I have to go on my date."
" Haha good luck."
And he closed the door. I got dressed for my date with Lizza. it went pretty well she was nice and hot and she seemed to like me and i liked her too. I drove her home and she said goodbye. Im not gonna go into the details but i had alotta fun and thanks Soda for setting me up with her.
"Kitty i need to tslk to you about your belly button ring."
"Are you sure you dont mean yell at me?"
"that wont happen unless you dont listen to me."
".... fine"
"Kitty you gotta grow up alittle. Your getting married now."
"Yea so? I dont wanna grow up."
"Kitt you cant stay here with us forever."
"US?!?! So Soda and everyone else can stay but I cant?!? yea real fair Darry."
"Pony is too young to move out and Soda is gonna move out soon. Your gonna have to move out in a few years. Your getting married as i said. oh and congrats on that."
"Darry Im not like you, Mom, or Dad. I cant grow up to be like you guys, i never could. I was always the dissapointment."
"What are you talking bout? They both loved you. You were Dads little girl and he liked you the best. He couldnt be prouder."
"Yea I know. But Mom wasnt."
" Mom just pushed you harder cause she knew you could do so much more. I know that too. She still loved you know matter what you did. They both always told me to take good care of you."
" Well i guess your doing an okay job."
" good to know. And as for your punishment, your getting a job."
" Uhhh. No."
" Uhh . Yes."
".... fine."
"Good. Im gonna go talk to Soda."
" Have fun."
I got up and walked into the house. I made it over to Soda and Katies room. I knocked. Soda came and answered it and it turns out he was just relaxing cause Katie was out somewhere.
"Soda. We need to discuss something."
"Sure bro what is it?"
"You should start to think about moving out."
" What?!? Come on man i cant do that and i dont want to."
" Soda when i was your age all i wanted to do was move out. I was all ready to then mom and dad died and i couldnt. "
" Dude you still can."
" I cant I have to look after Pony and Kitty."
" I caould be their new gaurdian. I am old enough. I already look after them sometimes."
" Soda you cant theres more to it. And i dont wanna put all that responsibilaty on you."
"Okay man but if you change you mind im here."
" Thanks but im still serious about the moving out thing. the bills are stacking up. It wouldnt have to be right away but just think about it."
" OK man, and ill help out with the bills. I promise."
" Good now I got to go. I have to go on my date."
" Haha good luck."
And he closed the door. I got dressed for my date with Lizza. it went pretty well she was nice and hot and she seemed to like me and i liked her too. I drove her home and she said goodbye. Im not gonna go into the details but i had alotta fun and thanks Soda for setting me up with her.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Brother Bonding time

Today was my day off and instead of doing housework,laying around, or drinking with mark i decided to go to the carnival down the street. Pony being the tag along wanted to come with, but honestly i needed someone to come with me. Me and pony haven't talked much since we got into that argument awhile ago about him getting a job. In the long run i think it will help the kid. it was pony's first time on my motorcycle cause i never really thought it was a good idea to bring him. he might jump off or something stupid cause he thought he'd look cool and I'd end up taking him to the emergency room. i actually had fun with the kid, it reminded me of when our mom would take us to the carnival. soda would run off with Steve and I'd be stuck with pony. today was a lot more fun the that cause pony could actually go on all the rides. the lamest ride we went on was the Ferris wheel, but we figured out how to make it fun. pony had a bunch of rubber bands in his jean pocket. we got the top and shot rubber bands at people, too bad all the people we hit were security gaurds. we had to run off cause we didn't want to talk to them about the rubber bands. pony being the track star ran a lot faster then me. over all the day was pretty fun and the police never found us. i think im done with disturbing police officers for this week.
btw this my 55th Post ever!
!-Darrel S. Curtis-!
Monday, July 19, 2010
Update I think 5 so Ima gonna go with that
I was walking over to Hillary's house on Friday. I saw Stella on the way. I didn't want to see her. Not before what I was gonna do. I tried to sneak around her but she saw me and yelled in a peppy voice "Hey Darry!!" I froze and just smiled and waved. I kelt walking hoping she wouldn't come over and talk to me. She did. We talked for about a half hour about stuff I don't really remember. I was too busy thinking , " how am I gonna break up with hillary.. Again...." finally Stella had to go so I continued on my way. When I got there I knocked on the door. She opened it. "hey Dar." I was about to say to her that we should break up, when she beat me too it. We decided that it was for the better. So I said goodbye and walked home.
I'm srry for not being on lately or being a good Darry lately. I apologize and swear I'll be better.
I'm srry for not being on lately or being a good Darry lately. I apologize and swear I'll be better.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Update # I lost track cause I always name me post update #
Well I'm with Hillary again a couple days ago we made up.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Friday, June 11, 2010
A favor
I was hanging at the bar with Mark and we were having a good time. Then when I had a couple drinks he said. " Dude, I need a favor." " What do you need?." I asked. " Well Stella has a sister and....." he started saying. I cut him off " No no no no I am NOT being a baby sitter." " Her sister's like 23 dude. I was gonna ask you to go on a double date with me and Stella. Her names Hillary. She's kind of shy but totaly hot. She goes to your college." he said. " Well idk...." I answered. " Come on dude. Best buddy. Plz?" he tried to do a puppy dog face but it didn't work. I just laughed and said, " ok dude but you gotta stay with me." " Okay man I will. Meet us at 5 for dinner at Salinies." " Okay Ill be there but you owe me." " We'll see ;)"
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
A horrible date
Never going on a date with her again. Probably the worst date ever. I picked Rachel up in my car and went to dinner. We had nothing in common. She just kept going on and on and on about all this stuff. I felt like stuffing a fork in her mouth. I DONT FUCKIN CARE WHAT YOUR MOMS MIDDLE NAME IS!!!! That felt good to get off my chest. I sat there acwardly most of the time. On the way back we got into a minor car accident. There's a huge dent in my car now. I think I'm gonna stay single for a bit.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
No pain no game
During the paintball game I was going around on my motorcycle looking for the other teams flag. Steve was somewhere behind me in his car. We circled around and got some people but no flag. We decided to continue on foot from thereWeTher flag could be anywhere on the north side in the Brumley Boys territory. Me and Steve split up. I was walking along when I heard it. A walking noise that was trying to blend in to my walking noise but it wasnt. Someone was following me. Then I heard more and more footstepps so i ran. I ran into an alley as fast as I could. I bumped into someone. It was a girl that just took my breath away. As stupid asi was I said "I'm so sorry!"
"dont worry about it"
"ok, what are you doing here?"
"hiding. There's some paintball game going on and I don't want trouble."
" then stay away from me cause trouble is alway following me."
" mmmmm I think Ill stay with you. You look strong enough to keep me outta trouble."
". Ok your choice"
" I'm Darry Curtis"
" I already knew that. I'm Rachel Micheals"
just then I heard them coming.
" follow me"
we climbed the fire escape next to us ontop of the roof. From above I could see about 5 brumely boys. I took one out and told Rachel to get down. We did the same thing for the other 3. One more to go. I asked Rachel if she wanted to get this one. She nodded but she didn't know how to shoot. I told her I would help her. So I put my hand on hers and did the whole teaching thing. We got him. We climbed down on the ground. She said " I gotta get going."
" ok maybe we should get together again sometime"
" yea I would like that but please leave trouble at home"
" no problem"
" and one more thing"
she reached over and kissed me. I was suprised. Just then, she pulled out a small paintball gun and shot me in the head. I knocked out. I woke up alittle later. I put my hand in my pocket. I felt a piece of paper, and pulled it out. It read, "sorry bout that. Call me, 233- 4455 Rachel <3" I got up and Steve was there. He said " what happened" " nothing" I answered.
"dont worry about it"
"ok, what are you doing here?"
"hiding. There's some paintball game going on and I don't want trouble."
" then stay away from me cause trouble is alway following me."
" mmmmm I think Ill stay with you. You look strong enough to keep me outta trouble."
". Ok your choice"
" I'm Darry Curtis"
" I already knew that. I'm Rachel Micheals"
just then I heard them coming.
" follow me"
we climbed the fire escape next to us ontop of the roof. From above I could see about 5 brumely boys. I took one out and told Rachel to get down. We did the same thing for the other 3. One more to go. I asked Rachel if she wanted to get this one. She nodded but she didn't know how to shoot. I told her I would help her. So I put my hand on hers and did the whole teaching thing. We got him. We climbed down on the ground. She said " I gotta get going."
" ok maybe we should get together again sometime"
" yea I would like that but please leave trouble at home"
" no problem"
" and one more thing"
she reached over and kissed me. I was suprised. Just then, she pulled out a small paintball gun and shot me in the head. I knocked out. I woke up alittle later. I put my hand in my pocket. I felt a piece of paper, and pulled it out. It read, "sorry bout that. Call me, 233- 4455 Rachel <3" I got up and Steve was there. He said " what happened" " nothing" I answered.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Me, Soda, Steve, Dallas, and Jamie, yes Jamie (she really wanted to come with us and I thought hey she survived a rumble), went to find bob. He isn't that hard to find really. We walked alittle on the north side of town alittle and forced some socs to tell us where he was. It didn't take long to find him. He was walking in the street with 2 other socs and bob's gf. (I could tell because he had his arm around her) Jamie distracted the one and got him to come into an alley where we were waiting. Steve had no trouble tieing him up and throwing him on the ground. The other soc and bob came looking for him and were shocked to see us. Dallas grabbed the other soc and punched him a couple of times. Then he tied him up abd put him next to his buddy. I grabbed bob by the collar and punched him. I held him down. Soda said, " may I?" I answered "go ahead" he started punching him left and right. I've never seen him fight like this. You could see the anger in his eyes. I handed bob over to Steve to hold down abd I went at him too. Then Jamie said "can I?" in that tone that a little kid is asking for candy. I said "sure" she took a swing and kicked him where it hurt. Then when she took another swing bob's hand came loose and grabbed her hand. In one swift motion he grabbed his knife and put it to her neck. I said "take another step and she goes." we all stood still. Luckily he didn't see Dallas come from the back and punch him and grabthe knife. I kicked him a few times. His girlfriend finally came to see what was taking so long and by the look on her face she was horrified. At that moment I saw it. In soda's eyes. He screamed "I'm gonna do to her what he did to Katie!" he took out his knife and started advancing toward her. I jumped on soda to hold him down and she ran away. Soda furiously asked me why u did that and I answered, " Soda we are NOT animals. If I let you do that i might as well have called you a soc." he looked at me for a moment. Then he droped his knife and started to cry.
S.E Hinton,
The Outsiders
Thursday, May 13, 2010
The Chat Problem
Like pony and mark said... Chat or us. Pick one. I will still post. I remember when I was new here. I couldn't keep up with all the posts and comments. Now I'm waiting for you guys to post. I would have a bad day but then look forward to seeing the posts. Now nothing. We don't even do alot in the chat room. Half the tome we are waiting for someone to come on, time we could of used to write a post. Say no to the chat or no to us.
-Darrel S. Curtis
-Darrel S. Curtis
S.E Hinton,
The Outsiders
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Austin 2
I was walking on the road when all of a sudden someone jumped and pushed me outa the way of a car that was about to run me over. i turned around to find it was austin. I thanked him and thisn is what we said,
"thanks man"
" i saved your life, now you have to help me."
" ....."
" look i really like her, and i will make you help me if you dont agree now. A certain Bri come to mind?"
" Dont touch my girlfriend."
" I thought you broke up? good for you for gettin back together."
" fine I'll help you."
" i need you to do 2 things. One, train me to fight better. Two, spy on Ari and Brian this friday, they are going snowboarding."
" Fine."
" I'll be taken care of some stuff see ya Saturday."
I glared at him.
" oh and we never had this talk."
He walked away smiling.
"thanks man"
" i saved your life, now you have to help me."
" ....."
" look i really like her, and i will make you help me if you dont agree now. A certain Bri come to mind?"
" Dont touch my girlfriend."
" I thought you broke up? good for you for gettin back together."
" fine I'll help you."
" i need you to do 2 things. One, train me to fight better. Two, spy on Ari and Brian this friday, they are going snowboarding."
" Fine."
" I'll be taken care of some stuff see ya Saturday."
I glared at him.
" oh and we never had this talk."
He walked away smiling.
S.E Hinton,
The Outsiders
Monday, May 10, 2010
If you haven't heard me and bri broke up. But u probably did here because u guys are all very nosie! The good thing bout it is that I can fight again. I went out today to find every sic that was involved with beating me up. I found a group if them hanging out and started beating them up. In the middle of it Austin showed up he said,"hey need help?" I said, "no I got it but you can help anyway."
we kicked some but! After we got some lunch. We started talking and I think you guys should hear this.
" I'm srry about what I did to your gf"
" No it's ok, we broke up"
" oh I'm srry"
" it's fine, she liked someone else"
" ok you ok?"
" yea I'm fine.... But why did u help me?"
" cause I really like Ari and I know you guys are friends so I was hoping you could help me out.."
" with what?"
we kicked some but! After we got some lunch. We started talking and I think you guys should hear this.
" I'm srry about what I did to your gf"
" No it's ok, we broke up"
" oh I'm srry"
" it's fine, she liked someone else"
" ok you ok?"
" yea I'm fine.... But why did u help me?"
" cause I really like Ari and I know you guys are friends so I was hoping you could help me out.."
" with what?"
Friday, May 7, 2010
I walked to the market last night. It was dark besides the street lights. I had a feeling someone was following me. I stopped. Listened. Then I stepped in a weird beat pattern. Then I heard it. Someone trying to follow along.I turned to have two guys hold me down and pull me into a nearby alley. A group of socs surrounded me. They threw me to the ground and held me there with their feet. One started talking, "So, Tge great Darrel Curtis. Why weren't you at out little rumble the other day? You never miss one."
"Don't call me Darrel"
"ooo sorry, Darry. Hahaha"
He kicked me in the chest.
"So why didn't you go?"
" Why do you care?"
" I wanted you to be there when we kicked your greasers' butts!"
They held me back as he punched me in the face.
" Answer me!"
" OK OK I've given up fighting OK?"
" Well that's good cause now you won't hit me if I touch your sister, she's pretty hot"
" I would hit you. I haven't given up punching idiot."
" oh that does it. Guys get him up so he can fight me like a man!"
They threw me up and formed a circle around me and the leader who was talking to me. He just kept punching me. I fought the urge to fight back. Finaly I was on the ground. They lifted my shirt up to epode my back. They took a knife and engraved the symbol on all their bags and shirts on to my back. Probably their gang symbol. Then tied up my hands and left me there.
"Don't call me Darrel"
"ooo sorry, Darry. Hahaha"
He kicked me in the chest.
"So why didn't you go?"
" Why do you care?"
" I wanted you to be there when we kicked your greasers' butts!"
They held me back as he punched me in the face.
" Answer me!"
" OK OK I've given up fighting OK?"
" Well that's good cause now you won't hit me if I touch your sister, she's pretty hot"
" I would hit you. I haven't given up punching idiot."
" oh that does it. Guys get him up so he can fight me like a man!"
They threw me up and formed a circle around me and the leader who was talking to me. He just kept punching me. I fought the urge to fight back. Finaly I was on the ground. They lifted my shirt up to epode my back. They took a knife and engraved the symbol on all their bags and shirts on to my back. Probably their gang symbol. Then tied up my hands and left me there.
S.E Hinton,
The Outsiders
Saturday, May 1, 2010
A post about kitty
I was out at my special place meditating and looking at the sky and thinking. My thoughts were becoming very clear. Then I heard someone shouting. It was the one girl I'm afraid of... Kitkat. She was crying and came running to me. I didn't know why she was crying but I treid to calm her down. I could see she was looking for me for at least two hours. It was something about pony and her in a fight about something. I didn't care I just knew my baby sister was hurt. We just talked and sat against my favorite tree and she leaned on me. Everything became clear to me at that moment. Then she told me that if I told anyone she would kill me..... Typical kitty. I told her that if she told anyone where this place was I'd do the same.She ended up going home and I stayed there. As she drove off I thought, that's my little sister.
S.E Hinton,
The Outsiders
Im leaving Tulsa for a few days, i need some time to think. dont try to come with or follow me cause it wont work. i need to do this. im not gonna go too far, maybe camp out at my special place, which none of you know where it is.
S.E Hinton,
The Outsiders
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Car Accident
aaahhhhh everything hurts. I'm in the hospital. It started when we decided to go to dairy queen with pony. Johnny was hangin around the house so he cam with. Pony wanted to drive cause he just got his drivers licence. After I ordered My Oreo blizzard and they ordered their blizzards. We decided to take them home instead of eat them there. We got in the car and started driving. It was pony's first time on the throughway. He seemed pretty relaxed. Then all of a sudden someone hit us. We flipped over and when we landed I felt my leg get crushed by the car seat. The car started rolling and I pulled tried to pull pony out who was in the front seat but I couldn't and I fell out of the car. I saw pony and Johnny start to get out of the car. I saw the car start on fire. Pony and Johnny were right near the car. I tried to run back. But I fell cause my leg. The car exploded. And a piece hit me in the back. I was knocked out. I woke up in the hospital. I'm assuming by the cast I have a broken leg but everything hurts now.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
I'm gettin married to bri, she is carting my future kid, even tough it might be austins. He raped bri. I didn't get the football draft but I'm gonna keep workin on it. I'm working extra hard Now and I have enough for the wedding ( rich ppl tip very good if u do a good job.) I went on my motor cycle to my special place. I kept thinking, i'm gettin married to the most beautiful girl in the world, and am gonna be a father... Everything is gonna change. On my way back home I stopped to have a little talk with Austin. I brought the police this time. He was arrested for rape. We go to court tommarow. I don't even need a lawyer. I have all the evidence. I went to visit bri and I stayed the night there with her.
S.E Hinton,
The Outsiders
Monday, April 19, 2010
I decided to look around the woods again. I found some horse trails some miles from the spot I found the stuff. we followed it deep into the woods. After about an hour I saw a small hidden ranch. we saw a man and immediately stopped and hid. I tried to get a little closer. step by step. inch by inch i got more tense. Bri following right behind me. Suddenly, I felt a knife to my neck. a voice spoke "who are you?" the voice sounded familiar. "WHO ARE YOU!!??" he yelled. I didn't answer. I saw Bri about to grab a branch and hit him with it but he said, "you move and I kill him." He shoved me inside is house, sat me down and tied me to a chair. He tied Bri up too. A women came in and said, "what is all the ruckus??" I looked at her. She looked familiar. the man said, "alright, i give you one more chance to tell me before i throw u both in the closet for the rest of your lives. "I'm Darrel and this is Breanna." I answered. the women dropped what she was doing and ran over. " I cant believe it!! How could I not have seen it??!!"she cried. "Darrel Shaynne Curtis! I've missed you so much!" I looked at her for a moment and saw it. "Hey...Mom" The rest of the day we spent talking. I cant tell you why but they cant come back... they miss us all...and they had a good reason to fake their death. maybe sometimes we will visit again. Bri and I are coming home tonight.
S.E Hinton,
The Outsiders
Sunday, April 18, 2010
so we went to see Austin. I walked in there and I was talkin to Austin. Used to be friends with the brumleys except him. Never liked him. I did most of the talking. Then he said something and mark just went at him. Before I knew it everyone was fighting. Two guys came at me. One was wearing my luck necklace that was stolen from me the oth day. That made me mad, I beat him up and got it back. I loved to see mark beat up Austin. I got up today early and got ready to leave. I pulled on my jeans and put on a t-shirt. I was gonna leave when pony stopped me. He wanted me to take him with me... I looked at him and said no. He got really mad. He started screaming and I started shouting at him.... We woke up kitkat. I never actully told kitty about leaving and when she heard she started yelling too. I ran out the door and hopped on my motorcycle and ride off. I could hear them screaming at me. I picked up bri and we rode to the place where my parents "died" we started looking around in the woods. About a mile away from the crash place I found a stream and splashed water on my face. Then I saw something sparkle. I pulled it out of the water. I reconized it but didn't know why. Then it hit me. Iit was my moms necklace. Why was it here? I looked around. There was an old tree trunk that was hollow and I thought hey why not. I looked in side and felt a bunch of papers. They had my parents names on them and all their information. Their birth certificates, passports, liscenes, IDs. Weird.
S.E Hinton,
The Outsiders
Saturday, April 17, 2010
I'm leaving during spring break tommarow. I'm going to find my parents. Bri is comin with me. I might be crazy but I'm leavin tommarow. Don't try and stop me or try and find me cause u won't know where I'll be.... I don't know either. I will be on chat and post and I'll be back in a week. If I find them I'll tell u. Til I see u again,
Darry Curtis
Darry Curtis
S.E Hinton,
The Outsiders
Friday, April 16, 2010
Hahahaha! I wanna post my new best bud! His names Mark. He's breanna's brother. He's like awesome! We went out to a bar and watched the sabres game!! We got drunk headed over to my place and we passed out after a beer drinking contest! So much frickin fun! Here's his blog link.
check it out!!
check it out!!
S.E Hinton,
The Outsiders
Thursday, April 15, 2010
I'm stupid.... Very stupid. I think that when u get older u get stupider. Bri I didn't cheat on u. I was high, I was just sayin stuff. That's why I don't get high. I didn't know what I was sayin. I LOVE u and I spend all my time thinking bout u. So plz forgive me. We were in this situation before but the other way around. We got through it. I don't know what I would do with out u. I miss you.
S.E Hinton,
The Outsiders
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
A Post About Bri
I decided that id post about Bri. We met at steves. I went over there with soda. i dont usually believe in love at first sight, but i think i beleive now. After that i came over there five times in the next week. I heard from a source that she liked me. I finaly asked her out. She said yes. I cant tell u more cause i cant explain how i feel when i am around her and i cant explain how it feels to kiss her. Its the most wonderful feeling in the world. sometimes i want to scream to the world "I love Breanna Parker!!"
S.E Hinton,
The Outsiders
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Not gonna get into the details. I was riding my motorcycle. Feel off cause someone threw a rock at me. Dragged me into an alley, and broke my arm and cut me. They knocked me out. Didn't see who but when I woke a knife that was ingraved with Jeff on it ws next to me. Musta been out a long time cause it was dark. I heard soda, bri, and pony. I looked up to see bri terrified. I passed out again. I woke up in a white room.
S.E Hinton,
The Outsiders
Sunday, April 11, 2010
The rumble!
Ok so by the end of this post u will think I'm crazy or dead.....maybe I am. So I no you want to no wat the surprise is so I'll start. Ok so at nine three of my friends with motorcycles came ( nine when the rumble started.) We started driven. It was a five minute drive. There is a raised highway next to the place we were gonna rumble. I know ur thinking what does this have to do with anything? Well we got on the highway and then jumped off the side. Crazy right? I remember being in the air and thinking about bri then about my sister and brothers then about the gang. Then I actuly landed on the ground. All of my friends hit the ground to behind me. With my one hand I had a chain and was using is to knock out people. I think I hit like a dozen socs with my motorcycle, and like a dozen with my chain. I looked around to see bri and Cristy fighting socs with each other and pony and Johnny ganging up on a soc. A soc threw a knife at me. But I was smart, I wore the chest protected for football under my shirt. I flew off my motorcycle and hit the ground hard after I felt this pain in my side. I got up and pulled out a knife, with the name Jeff on it. ( read the post more socs to see who Jeff is) then I saw it about 50 ft away was bri and Cristy, and a guy was sneaking up behind them. I used some of my quarterback skills and I hit him in the chest. He calasped in pain. I felt more knifed in my back. Ow! I turned around to see Jeff. I pulled out the knife I hid in my pocket. I charged at him. He countered it by slashing me in the stomach. I got his arm. Two socs slashed my arms but I used my chain to knock them out. It Jeff went at me again. Until I got him pinned against the wall with my knife to his neck. I said "how does it feel to be the victom." he looked at me and then fainted, what a coward!! The rumble went on for five more minutes, then the socs started running. Most were on the ground. Five were dead, two greasers were dead. Bri colasped but I caught her. She got back up and we went to steves place. My shirt was stained red from my blood. Bri helped me get bandaged up. Itold her I looked like a mummy. She kissed me and said "a hot mummy" Hahaha! Myotorcycle wasn't too badly ripped up. Just some dents. I was able to drive instead of walk home. I didn't die and I was crazy.. Not too bad.
S.E Hinton,
The Outsiders
Friday, April 9, 2010
Ok so I picked Bri up today on my motorcycle. I told her earlier that I had a suprise for her. She was so excited. Well she was right about one thing...... I was taking her to my special hill. But she didn't know why. I got there and it was dark. Perfect.. I hit the switch and everything lit up. It was the second most beautiful thing I ever saw.... Number one was bri... I loved it when I saw her eyes light up. Then I brought her the top of the hill to show that the lights formed Darrel and Breanna in a heart. Then bri kissed me. And when she did I put a necklace over her head on her neck. She looked at it. It was a locket shaped like a heart. Inside was a note ingraved by me. It read " hold this to your heart so I can be with you 24/7. ~Darrel Curtis" she smiled and kissed me again. I told her there was more. I carried her over to the tree that is on top of the hill. I had set everything up earlier so i had my guitar there. Yes I play alittle guitar. Then i played her the song I wrote for her. I'm not gonna play it or sing it for anyone but her. Then we shared a blanket I had there earlier and fell asleep under the stars. I woke up in the morning with her there. I carried her over to my motorcycle. And drove off. I brought her home and put her in her bed and then left. She didnt even wake up. On my way out Steve stopes me and questioned me " where were u guys? Did u fuck her up? Blah and other words" I guess he doesn't trust me yet. But I didn't care I wondered if bri was dreaming about me.
S.E Hinton,
The Outsiders
Thursday, April 8, 2010
More socs
I don't know what is with all these Socs lately. Greasers seemed to be kidnapped every day now. I was gonna find those Socs who hurt u guys. I was gonna hurt them so much that they would beg me to kill them. I was just about to leave on my motorcycle when Bri came. I told her what I was doin but she said that I was stupid and that I shouldn't go without backup and that she wanted to come. I really didn't want he to get hurt, but inside I was wishing that she would come. She ended up forcing me to bring her. We entered the south side of town, and I saw soc walking alone, I figured I could get some answers outa him.I parked my motorcycle and started to sneak up on behind him. He turned into an alley and I thought perfect. Me and Bri turned into the alley and we were ambushed. Two guys grabed Bri while one put a knife to her neck. That made me angry. I knocked out a few guys until one of them said "don't move or the girl gets a little cut up." I didn't know what to do. I stood there looking at him. Bri was right I was stupid. I threw my hands in the air, I surrendered. They tied my hands behind my back and two guys were holding me. Bri was tied up too and two guys were holding her. My first goal was to get her free. They knocked me out. When I woke up we were in a car and two socs were in the front. Bri was lying there still unconcious. One of the socs noticed I was up so they knocked me out again. This time I woke up I was in the car but the door opened and like five guys yanked me out. They held me back so I couldn't run. Two guys yanked Bri out. This time she was awake. We were forced inside some abandon warehouse. I guy hit me in the back and I felltp my knees. Bri got to her knees too. A soc entered the room it was Jeff. He used to be my friend, until he turned on me. He seemed to be head soc now. He walked up to me and said " well look at this, we have a Curtis here. Part of the Winston gang."(idk why he considered dallas as the leader but I wasn't about to argue. he continued " and who is this pretty girl? Is she ur girlfriend? This is to good Darrel. I have an agreement I can make with u to let u go. Come to our side again Darrel, and we will let both of u go." ( yes I could be a soc but I don't want to) " I decided a long time ago when u asked me that I don't wanna be a soc." I said. He laughed and said " fine then , lock them up" he looked at me and said " by the end of tommarow I will force u to be one of us." hitvme with a whip a few times then they threw us in a closet. In side were a few other greasers. I told Bri I was sorry for gettin her in this mess. She said it was her desision to come with me. She fell asleep on me. I had to get her out of here. I used my feet to get the knife I hid in my shoe. I used my mouth to use the knife to cut Bri free. I woke her up. I told her to run, but she said she wasn't leaving without me. So she got me free and I had no idea wat to do next. I saw a vent.... I didn't think I would fit but Bri might. i told her to go get help. She knew I was right and that she had to go. She kissed me goodbye and went into the vent. I fell asleep and was woken up by a soc. He noticed that Bri was gone and he grabed me and kicked me in the stomach. They could do whatever they wanted as long as they didn't hurt Bri. They torchured me for the next hour. Not too bad cause they wanted me to join them. Then Jeff got there. He said " I hear your girlfriend got out. Too bad cause I was gonna make her mine if you didn't cooroperate." he punched me in the face. Then he took the whip and whiped me twice on the back. I noticed there were only ten socs now. Just then Dallas, Steve, sodapop, and ponyboy busted in. This mention Bri was safe and that she had gotten help. I used my knife to cut myself free. Then I took the whip and started using it on the socs. Soda and Steve were taken care of s couple more socs and pony went and freed the other greasers. Dallas was fighting the best he ever did. I saw Jeff trying to run. I caught him and punched him in the face and the gut multiple times. I took the whip and slashed it at him while I said " No one hurts my girlfriend!" and he ended up riming with a couple of other socs. On the way back we picked up my motorcycle. When we got to our house Bri was there. Ibwas so happy. She said that she wanted to bitch slap that guy for hurting her boyfriend, i told her goahead. She said i look pretty banged up and I told her it was nothing serious. I took my shirt off to reveal about five whip marks and some bruises I had a black eye. She smiled and kissed me. " I love u bri" I said as she huged me. She replied " I love u too"
S.E Hinton,
The Outsiders
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
I think that me and Bri are back on....
S.E Hinton,
The Outsiders
Me and Bri are done. Some of u know why, some don't, no questions asked, end of story.
S.E Hinton,
The Outsiders
Saturday, April 3, 2010
up in the night
So last night i picked up Bri from Steve's house. I had to sneak around back cause Steve was mad at me and his poker buddies were there. Shepard's gang. Bri saw me and then sneaked out where I was waiting with my motorcycle. We headed over to my place. pony wasn't home cause he was sleeping over at johnny's. We hopped on the couch and watched movies all night. At one point i said that we should sneak her back so Steve didn't notice. But she said she didn't want to go back, so i clicked play and we continued. I remember feeling her breath on my chest. She fell asleep. I drifted off not so long after. when i woke up she was gone. i looked around... i didn't see her. I got up and she snuck up behind me, then kissed me. she thanked me and headed off, with my heart.
S.E Hinton,
The Outsiders
Friday, April 2, 2010
Get it straight
Alright I heard that everyones fighting..... Just shows wat happens when I'm not there. I no kitkat would usualy be the one doin this but I'm gonna do it this time. Stop being idiots!!!! Kitkat always says that things happen for a reason...because that's wat mom always said... Now we don't have to fight...just when things get better they get worse. Now you gotta start posting and start being "grown up" if u all can ok? I'm sorry for gettin mad I thought u guys were better than this. Take this and think alittle bit.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Sorry alittle late...but i always am.

if either of you dont like my gift you can return it.....:(
Anyways i have decided to put off finding mom and dad until summer....
S.E Hinton,
The Outsiders
Monday, March 29, 2010
Do you ever feel like life cant get any better? Its wonderful... Breanna came over yesterday. I had everything all set. We hopped on my motorcycle. i loved seeing her hair blow in the distance. i loved seeing her perfect smile looking at me. I parked on top of where i used to hang out at night to think. its about an half hour drive but worth it. its on top of a hill and at
the bottom of the hill there is a pond.. but not one of those murky ponds.. one thats crystal clear. a year ago i put in a bunch of colored fish. Anna looked at me and said its the best place in the world, and that she could see why i would come here. we sat on top of the hill and looked at the stars and talked. since it is away from civilization i brought a lamp. when we were walking down the hill anna pushed me in the pond... she stood over the edge and giggled... i pulled her in with me.. she splashed me in response...we ended up riding home pretty wet. but i dont think she cared... she just smiled and laughed. i told her id drive her home... i was on her front stepped when we kissed. :-) i got home wet and happy.

S.E Hinton,
The Outsiders
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Why does it worse before it gets better?
Im not gonna say much but.... Sammy broke my heart, my soul and my foot. High heels really hurt. Sammy came over and told me she had to tell me something. We sat down. She said it right out ... the break upp talk...i could tell it was hard for her cause she was practcaly crying.i asked her why and she said she wouldnt say. i was so sad that i went off about how it was because she rich and she got mad and stepped on my foot on the way out. thats the first time cried in a long time. Soda im happy that u can find someone who will be there forever. Pony im there for u, i no wat ur goin through. Johnny good luck. noit gonna say anythin. Steve keep goin. Carson you can take care of yourself. Why cant i find someone?
S.E Hinton,
The Outsiders
Thursday, March 18, 2010
All right sorry for the long wait cause i have just been kinda busy lately with everything that's going on i just cant take it. So last week i got a chance to go to the police station. They told me all the facts, a couple was hit by a train in a car, on my birthday two years ago. Until recently they thought that it was Mom and Dad. But when they were going through this case something led them to our case file. While an officer was going through it he noticed how our parents' bodies were so messed up that they identified it by my mothers special ring, 24k gold, a diamond, and an engraving from my dad. " Your mine for eternity." Well the officer did some research and alerted that on that day a couple known from town as Mrs. and Mr. Bandit, famous criminals in that area, were sighted robbing another couple and leaving them in the woods, driving off with their car. They were never seen again. Officers have been bamboozled on where they went. They suspected the two criminals for a recent robbery, when looking into that, that's how they noticed our case. I didn't know what to say. I didn't believe it. I remembered back at the funeral that I wasn't sad... because every time i looked at that coffin i thought "that's not them." But the only thing i cant figure out is where are they?
S.E Hinton,
The Outsiders
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Yes, today is my birthday. I don't like to tell people bout it cause i might as well say " hey I'm another year closer to death. Yea I used to love my birthday when i was younger. Until my parents died on my birthday years ago. I feel like people don't need to get me a present. Saying "Happy Birthday" is good enough for me. Apparently no one listens to me. Everyone got me a present even Dally. He got me socks. He probably stole them but i liked them. Sammy was there first thing in the mornin. Pony woke me up with a " Happy Birthday Bro!!" and Soda and Sammy and KitKat was there. KitKat got me a cool motorcycle shirt. Pony got me a a new motorcycle helmet. It had my name on in cool graffiti. It also had a tiger on it. I liked it cause my other one was fallin apart. Well Soda brought me outside and showed me my motorcycle. He painted it with flames and a a white stripe. It was awesome. Well I don't know how but Sammy got me a TV. HD and flat screen. I don't know how she did it. We made out for 10 min. I had to go to my job so i told them i didn't want a party just to watch a movie later. They agreed. I got home 10 min early.Well again no one ever listens to me so when i walked in you guys were all there at a surprise party. But no one said surprise. They didn't expect me home. We partied all night and Soda and Dally and the girls and basically everyone got drunk. Then there was knock on the door i opened it was the police. They said my parents may still be alive. That was the best present i ever got for my birthday.
S.E Hinton,
The Outsiders
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
I'm Better
aaaggghhh. Finlay I'm out of that cast. I hated that thing. But I have to admit it was a real babe magnet. Wait I'm in a relationship.... Yea Sammy felt like it was her fault. I told her to stop worrying 'bout it but she said that she would never leave my side 'til I got better. I must admit I loved it at first but then she got a little clingy. Well now I'm better. I have to train extra hard in football to make up what I lost. Sammy is there every practice..well not 'cause she a cheerleader but 'cause she likes me..
Thursday, February 4, 2010
A Short Update
As you probably already know I am in the hospital with a broken arm because of the fight I was in a few days ago. The doctor was impressed that i only had a broken arm. I am pretty bruised up like an old banana. I won't be able to play for about two weeks to three weeks. That bumbs me. But Sammy comes and visits every day. I guess it's a way of saying " thanks for saving my life" and " you are the best boyfriend ever" and "I love you so much" Now while I am in this joint I want ya all to behave cause I won't be there to make ya, ya hear? If I hear 'bout anything I'll come and do what I did to those socs to you, got it? And Pony, I know you are going threw stuff but ya better be good got it? I'll be in hear for a couple of days. Can ya look after yourselves for that long without me?
S.E Hinton,
The Outsiders
Monday, February 1, 2010
So on Friday I went on my date with Sammy. I trusted Soda and Pony and Kitkat to have a party without me there, I didn't want to at first but Soda is mature and he is in a perminate relationship (if you know what I mean.) Well I picked her up at her house...It was huge!!! Ohh I forgot to mention that Sammy's dad is a second cousin to Bill Gates' brother through marriage. He's in business with Bill Gates so they are really rich. I dressed up as best as I could. I rang the door bell and Sammy's mom answered. She looked really excited as she looked over me. Then she invited me in and told me Sammy was still getting ready. I said it was ok and I could wait. Then Sammy's dad came in and started questioning me like " What is your job", " What degree are you going for in college" ...and other stuff. after he I answered his question he looked satisfied and a little happy... he must like me. Then Sammy came down. She was wearing jeans and a nice T shirt that said " This girl is all green" You know I usually think girls that dress like that don't impress me, but Sammy made it look good. So we headed to the movies. We were seeing some chick flick she wanted to see. I didn't care. What ever made her happy. We got the tickets and sat in our seats. We were the only ones in the theater, must have been a bad movie. While we were watching the movie ( well actually i was watching her) All of a sudden the lights came on and a gang of 12 socs came in and surrounded us. One had a gun and he was pointing it at Sammy. That made me mad. The leader started talking "Sam baby what are you doing with this piece of trash?" I glared at him. She answered " He is my new boyfriend, we broke up remember?" " No you broke up with me, I never broke up with you." he answered. That made me even more mad. So I said " What difference does it make you big old rotten bag of goop?" It took ten of those Socs to hold me down. They punched and kicked me but I fought back. By the time the soc said "settle down or I'll shoot her." seven of them were on the floor knocked out. I stood still. The 4 others held me back and tied my hands together and took me in the other room.They started talking about their girlfriends for about 15 minutes. Then I had an idea. While they tied me to a pipe and tuned their backs to me a I used my feet to kick them in the head and knock them out. I used my foot to get one of their daggers so i could cut myself free. It worked. Then I tied them all together. I snook into the theater where Sammy was talking to that soc.. I think is name was Ryan. Well ryan still had that gun pointed at her. I snook up behind him and Sammy saw me. I gave her that shush signal. I mad my move. I grabbed the gun out of his hand, unloaded it and threw it across the room. I ended up beating him up and tieing him to a chair then Sammy said " your my hero"
S.E Hinton,
The Outsiders
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Everything Feels Right
Before I tell you what happened I want to thank Jamie for helping me out.I did what Jamie said, I put a note on the tree next to her favorite spot to do homework in between classes. It read "give me ten minutes and a chance to explain"The next day I got a note from her that said"why? To explain why you left me in the middle of our date to go with another girl?" So the following morning i gave her a note that said"look up" puzzled she looked up. On top of the tree I was there. I saw her eyes. They were filled with joy. But then they were filled with disappointment. That saddened me. I jumped down and she was about to run but she didn't. We stood there in silence until I said"I love you you are all I ever think about, You are my goddess of love." then I did something bold...I kissed her. Well after that she fainted.I carried her ten blocks to the hospital. She was out for hours..but I didn't leave..I would never leave her again.When she woke up she said"I love you Darrel"I couldn't believe it." here is your chance to explain" she said. So over the next twenty minutes I explained to her about Car. she said she was sorry for not believing me. Then when they let Sammy out of the hospital I was so relieved to see her smiling again. Then I picked her up and slung her over my shoulder and carried her while she was pounding on me and laughing all the way to her car.She said"So hows Friday night with a movie and me?" i told her" I would be like heaven." She got into her car waved goodbye and drove off. I had a smile on my face the whole way home.
S.E Hinton,
The Outsiders
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
College is Complicated continued
Well thanks a lot Pony!!! Agh!!! Sammy is now mad at me for leaving in the middle of our date. When we were in the hospital with Car I called her like every day a million times but she never answered. I left a million messages on her phone. She never called back... I feel like how I felt when our dog died...but a hundred times worse...This is how Car must of felt when she stabbed herself...This was the first girl I really liked...really loved...I tried to talk to her in college to try to explain...but she avoided me at all costs...I feel like my heart just left and I am dieing..dieing painfully and long..dieing hard...Why do girls have to take your heart with them...Rock has been trying to cheer me up but it makes me hurt seeing him and Jessica together...Yesterday there was a note on my football locker. It was from Sammy, I could tell because it was written in her handwriting and she turns the end of her y's into a heart. It read..i need time to think. Wait a while for me.. I don't know what it means. It doesn't seem good.I'm so sad that I went outside in the rain and ran around the block until I found a Soc to beat up. I took it all out on him until a bunch of his Soc friends came along. I ran. I'm a mess without Sammy. How can I win her back?
Me in the rain...

S.E Hinton,
The Outsiders
Sunday, January 24, 2010
College is Complicated
Look I'm sorry I haven't blogged in a while. With all the school and my job and the thing with Carson it's all too much. I'm going crazy!!! It's not funny!!! I'm doing good as quarterback and I'm getting good grades. There is this hot cheerleaders and I like this one named Sammy alot!!! A friend told me that his friend told him that his sister told him that Sammy told her that Sammy like me. I'm was too nervous to talk to her until a couple of weeks ago. I finaly got the nerve to talk to her after practice with my buddy Rock.(I'll tell you about him another time.) Well when we aproached, he left to go flirt with Jessica. well Sammy was in her little cheerleader group, I lost cofidence. Why do girls stay in groups? It makes it hard to talk to one!! So I waited until she was alone after math class. "Hey, uuuhhhh... I heard that you are very smart...could you tutor me?" stupid! " Aren't you on the football team? The guy who throws the ball?" she asked. "Yeah you mean the QB?" I answered. "Yeah" she said sheepishly. "Then yes thats me" I answered pleasantly. She smiled at me. I started talking about you guys and she said it was cool that we stick up for each other. She also said that she knew Jamie...Did you Guys set me up? After I bought her coffee, and talked alittle.... well I got a date last Saturday. Right in the middle of our date..pony called me about Carson, right when we were gonna kiss. I explained to her, but she was kinda mad. Well I got to go so be continued....
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Sunday, January 3, 2010
OMG!!!!I got my letter from the college!!!! I was accepted!!!!! Full scholarship for the year!!!! Pony came with me to the college desk to register everything.I'm taking calculus,history,stock, etc. I also tried out for the football team.The coach loved me. He said I would totally make the team as the 1st Quarterback!!I also checked out the Cheerleaders!! Hot!!!I'm just so happy!!!! Pony was so happy that he got Soda and Kitkat to throw me a party!!!Oklahomha State is sending me more info in the mail.
S.E Hinton,
The Outsiders
Friday, January 1, 2010
New Year
Wow its 2010!!! I made a decision, my new years resolution is to stay in college for the year. I've decided to go to college cause i want to make a better life for Ponyboy,KitKat, and Sodapop. I'm gonna go for a business degree and then go for a pilots license.Don't worry guys I'm not going away and ill still have time to do stuff with you Pony.i already applied for a spot in Oklahomah State College, but I need you guys to help me out with things at home.
New Year,
S.E Hinton,
The Outsiders
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